Be Prepared: First Responder Kit Buying Guide

Having a first responder kit can be a lifesaver in many situations. Not only you must have one in your car, but you should always have one when going camping, hiking, or surfing. The kit will help you help yourself or others in emergencies when there is no medical help nearby. SO when you go to the medical supply store always seek first aid kits that contain extra medical equipment so you can be covered even in the most challenging situations.

Why Get a First Responder Kit

Whether you just got a new car, are going hiking, camping or enjoying a day at the beach, or even just heading to work, having a first responder kit should be part of your belongings? Sure, none of us expects something terrible to happen, but accidents can never be predicted. Any person can end up in one, no matter how careful they are. And if you are going to drive (no matter how long or short destination), camp in the middle of nowhere, or go hiking in nature, you should always be prepared. Cuts, bruises, stings from dangerous insects and spiders, snake attacks, fractures, you name it. A first aid kit is your best chance to sanitize the injury until you can get to the closest hospital. And if you wonder what a first responder kit should contain, here are some of the most important things.

What Should It Contain

If you're about to buy your first kit then obviously there will be suitable medical equipment. However, you can always get a few more things you know you will use. This is especially important for people who are allergic to things such as pollen, insects, have migraines, and so on.

Sterile Bandages

These will always find their purpose if you need to cover a bleeding cut or deeper wound. No matter where you go, the sterile bandages must find their spot in the first responder kit. It's also important to know how to wrap them around the wounded area, so be sure to learn this.

Sterile Gloves

If you get injured in a place where you can't get immediate help and the wound is deep, the last thing you want is to infect it by touching it with bare hands. A pair of sterile gloves can help you with this. These gloves are cheap and you can buy an entire box at any chemist or drug store. The gloves can be a smart idea if you travel with a child and need to change them and you can't find a bathroom to clean your hands.


Cutting the bandages is best done with scissors. Also, the scissors can be of great help with various things such as cutting off clothes in cases of emergency. Having a pair in your kit (backpack, bag, or car) can spare you from agony in many stressful situations.


The tweezers can be of great help in case you have to remove pieces of glass, wood or thorns. These tweezers aren't the same as the cosmetic ones, so no, it's important to get ones that are considered to be part of medical supplies. Make sure to clean them with alcohol if you have any before continuing the procedure of removing the foreign pieces out of your skin.


Gauze prevents excessive blood loss and can protect a wound from the elements so it can heal smoothly and without the festering that sometimes occurs when unbreathable materials are used instead. There are a few different kinds of gauzes, so if you plan to get a few more pieces for your kit, you may want to ask your pharmacists about their use and sizes.


Plasters will save you when you have small cuts and grazes. You may think that you can go with cuts or grazes on your feet or hands, but the pain from such a small injury can prevent you from normal walking or doing things with your hands (driving, cutting trees, lighting a fire, washing dishes).

Skin Rash Cream

You don't have to have allergies issues to have such cream in your kit. This is especially important if you are going to spend time in nature. Plants, insects, or food can cause you unknown rash and you have to be prepared to treat it as soon as possible. This is even more important if you are prone to rashes. If you travel with children, this type of cream should be mandatory. Sometimes even a mosquito bite can be the reason for rashes, redness and unpleasant itching.

Thermometer, Painkillers, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Antihistamine

The thermometer is important for both adventurous hiking or camping or staying in a resort in a hotel. Injuries, colds, insect bites or spending too much time in the sun can cause your body to increase your temperature. Having a thermometer is essential because not every increased body temperature should be treated with ibuprofen. If it's too high then you should take it (and seek medical help as soon as possible). The painkillers, Aspirin, Ibuprofen and Antihistamine are a must because of various and obvious reasons. The painkillers will soothe any pain you feel starting from injured bones or muscles, to headaches and menstrual cramps. The rest of the medication can help you soothe a fever, an allergic reaction to food or insects. If you're prone to allergies, headaches, or simply want to be sure that you won't be caught by a surprise, these medications should be part of your first aid kit.